How To Prepare For Your Appointment


Urgent & short notice appointments:

A certain number of appointments are reserved for each Doctor on a daily basis. Please ring as soon as possible after 7.00am in the morning to access these appointments.If you feel the appointment is URGENT, please advise reception staff of your symptoms, so your matter can be prioritized if required.

There is a high demand for GP's at the Gladstone GP Superclinic so every Doctor is busy. Please be fair to other patients. Please consider carefully exactly what you need to see the Doctor about. You must tell us if any of the following apply to you and the staff will allocate the appropriate length of time for the consultation:

  • More than 2 matters to be discussed with the doctor
  • Other family members to be seen at the same time
  • Health Assessments and Care Plans
  • Medical Insurance, Pre-Employment, Centrelink, Drivers Licence
  • Pap Smear or any other medical procedure
  • Counselling
Standard or Routine Consultations: 

An appointment for routine/non-urgent matters may not be available some days. Keep track of your medications and scripts and ring for an appointment a week or more in advance.


Our practice operates an appointment system. In the event of a walk-in patient, reception will triage patient needs. After triage they will offer an appointment as required; that being either an add fit appointment (there may be a wait), the next available appointment or to be put on waiting list.

To Avoid Delays:

Ring ahead to check how the Dr is running for time. If there are delays the receptionist can advise you of a later time to arrive to avoid long waits.

Procedural Appointment:

For health and safety reasons children are not to be present for procedural appointments. Please make other arrangements for your children if you require a procedure.


If you have changed your address, phone number or medicare card, it is important to let us know.  We may need to contact you urgently. 

If you are not happy with the way you have been treated at this practice or you feel you

can suggest areas of improvement please tell us. Your opinion is very important to us.

Home, Nursing Home Visits:

Nursing Home care of Nursing Home patients is available by arrangement. Home Visits are available to patients who for reasons of severe mobility limitation cannot attend the surgery for example, very elderly or terminally ill patients.

After Hours:

In the case of an emergency, please call 000.

If you have an enquiry please call 13 Health or 1343 2584.

If you have an enquiry please contact the doctor on call on 0418 871 931.

Please note the cost of an out of hours visit could be up to $300.

Doctors Receiving & Returning Calls:

If urgent we can assist you by putting you through to a clinical staff member.

It is not the policy of the Gladstone GP Superclinic for doctors to receive or return phone calls to patients. If you have a query, you can leave a message for the doctor with our reception staff who will pass the message on. It is then at the discretion of the doctor if he/she will return your call or ask a receptionist to ring back with an answer.

Schedule Of Fees

Bulk Billed: Veteran Affairs Gold Card Holders

Standard Consultation


(Medicare Rebate $41.20)

Long Consultation


(Medicare Rebate $79.70)

Skin Check


(Medicare Rebate $41.20)

Please contact the surgery direct on 49787868 to make a "Workcover" Appointment, the staff will assist you to make an appointment with the appropriate doctor. The first appointment must be paid by the patient until APPROVED by Workcover and a Claim Number is issued.

PLEASE NOTE WE ARE A PRIVATE BILLING CLINIC - SOME DOCTORS MAY CHARGE HIGHER FEES THAN THE STANDARD FEES ADVERTISED - Please contact the surgery direct on 49787868 to confirm your appointment fees.

Effective as of 14 February 2024, all Visa, Mastercard and EFTPOS sales will incur a merchant transaction fee at the time of payment. For current rates or further information, please speak with reception.


Please Note: Private Billing On Weekends

Standard Consultation After 1 pm Saturday

$125.00 (Standard)

$175.00 (Long Consultation)

Standard Consultation All Day Sunday

$125.00 (Standard)

$175.00 (Long Consultation)

Please see staff for Allied Health billing details

*Please be aware that there may be a non-attendance fee charged if you fail to attend your appointment with any of the Doctors or Allied Health Professionals. You may also be charged a cancellation fee if your appointment is not cancelled one hour prior to your scheduled appointment time.

All fees are at the discretion of individual Doctors. Please be aware they may use their own Schedule of Fees that differ to the listed Standard Practice Fees. Contact reception on 49787868 if you have any queries.